International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Viet Nam

Urban Pathways is preparing to launch its e-Bike Sharing pilot in Hanoi, based on the results of a users’ needs assessment that served to aid the further definition of the project design, and the technical and functional specifications of the proposed e-mobility solutions. Specific sites in Eastern Hanoi have been selected for the stations/docks for the pilot, and the University of Transport Technology has been in close coordination with the relevant authorities and private entities to plan the demo site. Honda Motors committed to provide 100 units of e-mopeds to the shared system.

Further, the Urban Pathways Project managed to acquire further EU funds for the project in the framework of the SOLUTIONSplus Programme. Together with local partners, the project is currently supporting the development of a proposal for an EcoZone, to integrate placemaking elements and active mobility to the area. Moreover, a project proposal for a Circular Economy in University Hub was developed together with a local NGO (GreenHub) and the University of Transport Technology in Hanoi city and submitted for funding in Feb 2021.

Apart from that, Urban Pathways contributed to a self-paced e-learning course entitled “Electric Mobility: More than just Electrifying Cars” that was launched in January 2021. The course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to electric mobility planning and implementation in local contexts. It is primarily designed for city and regional authorities but can provide a solid knowledge base for any stakeholder involved in electric mobility. Interested participants can visit the link below to register for the free course. To take part in the course, registration to the Mobility Academy platform, is required.

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