International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Viet Nam

Climate News In Viet Nam


December 15, 2023, Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) issued a landmark circular, No. 23/2023/TT-BNNPTNT, titled “Regulations on measurement, reporting, and appraisal of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission mitigation results and GHG inventory in the forestry sector.” This comprehensive regulation paves the way for a robust carbon market in Vietnam by establishing clear guidelines for measuring and reporting forest-related emissions.

Key Features:

  • Transparent Inventory: The circular outlines a detailed inventory process for three land categories: remaining forests, land converted to forests, and forests converted to other uses. This includes measuring changes in biomass carbon, dead wood, soil carbon, and methane emissions from biomass burning.
  • Flexible Methodology: Recognizing the diverse forest landscapes, the circular offers flexibility in choosing between two inventory methods and determining emission factors based on local conditions.
  • Rigorous Monitoring: Separate guidelines will be developed for each of the seven mitigation measures outlined in MARD’s GHG emission reduction plan, ensuring accurate and verifiable monitoring of progress.
  • Streamlined Data Collection: The circular defines the types of activity data required, such as land use categories, forest status, timber extraction, and damaged areas, simplifying data collection for stakeholders.
  • Clear Responsibilities: Specific roles are assigned to relevant agencies:
    • Department of Forestry (DoF): Lead implementation, instruct, examine, and monitor.
    • Department of Science, Technology, and Environment (DOSTE): Assist in appraisal of monitoring results and report data to MARD and MONRE.
    • Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD): Provide DoF with data on forest conditions, timber production, and damaged areas.


This circular marks a significant leap for Vietnam’s climate action and economic development. By establishing a transparent and reliable system for measuring and reporting forest emissions, Vietnam can attract investment in forest conservation and carbon offset projects, contributing to both climate change mitigation and sustainable economic growth.

The IKI funded project “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of Paris Agreement (VN-SIPA)” supported the development of this circular.

For detail information, please visit the link below:

Thông tư 23/2023/TT-BNNPTNT báo cáo kết quả giảm nhẹ phát thải khí nhà kính lĩnh vực lâm nghiệp mới nhất (

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