Under the “Ambitious City Promises” project, ICLEI Southeast Asia is collaborating with three Vietnamese cities, namely Hanoi City, Son Tay district and Soc Son district. The project aims to establish strong greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction commitments at the city level and to formulate a “City Promise” led by concrete targets, enhanced multi-stakeholder engagement and integrated strategies.
Over the past two years, ICLEI, together with the People’s Committee of Hanoi City and other stakeholders, organized many workshops and local community consultations to collect opinions from citizens, organizations and experts in the sectors that Hanoi city is focusing on reducing emissions. These consultations were both to learn from each other’s experiences, and to guide the next steps for implementing the Hanoi “Citizens Engagement Platform”.
The Hanoi Engagement Platform was officially launched in July 2020. The platform focuses on five sectors for GHG reduction commitments: Energy, Transport, Solid waste, Air quality, and Urban Planning. The launch was accompanied by an offline event that attracted nearly 100 participants such as citizens, representatives of local organizations, businesses, the press and the city government. During the launch event, there were about 60 account registrations and the first 1000 pledges were collected from the attendees. The motive of the participation was, “as a citizen of the capital, I want to make Hanoi green again”.
In parallel to several communication campaigns, the Ambitious Cities Promises project in Vietnam is implementing pilot projects such as a low-carbon playground, urban rooftop solar panel systems, air quality systems as well as green community space contests in the framework of its “Hanoi City Promise”.
Hanoi’s GHG emissions inventory: