International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Viet Nam

Climate News In Viet Nam

Prime Minister approves development of the Power Development Plan for 2021-2030

On 1 October, the Prime Minister approved the task of developing the Power Development Plan for 2021-2030 with a vision to 2045 (PDP8). The time period for the development is 12 months from 1 October.

The scope of the plan includes projections of the future energy mix, electricity capacity, and distribution grids above 220kV.

PDP8 will be based on the principle of ensuring both socio-economic development and participation of all sectors of the economy, especially the private sector, and to open the Plan for regional development.

The following issues will be considered:

  • the balance between regions, balance between electricity sources and loads; [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • prioritization of appropriate development of RE sources; efficient use of electricity; [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • development of the smart-grid and connections to neighboring countries; [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • development of an electricity market promoting all sectors of the economy to invest and develop electricity; [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • climate change adaptation and sustainable development.

The PDP 8 will have 3 volumes:

  • Volume 1: General information with 18 chapters [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • Volume 2: Annexes for input data and the results of calculations of loads, etc. [vcex_spacing size=”10px”]
  • Volume 3: Maps of the national grid in the planning period.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) was appointed as the focal agency for the development of the PDP8 while People Committees and other line ministries are called upon to support the MOIT.

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