International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Viet Nam

The Ministry of Transportation promulgated a Circular for the domestic aviation sector on 28 September 2020. This Circular makes an important contribution to the standardization of the system of measuring, monitoring, reporting on the management of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions applicable domestic and international flights, supporting Vietnam in implementing all the international standard requirements in building MRV system. The development of this policy was closely advised by the “Support to Vietnam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (VN-SIPA) implemented by GIZ.

The Circular provides a definition about the related norms and required a comprehensive process about reporting, monitoring, verification and assuring strict requirements for verification organizations and accreditation institutions that meet the ISO standards and other regulations of the international civil aviation organization. The method and plans to monitoring fuel consumption with report’s requirements for both international and domestic flights are all mentioned in the Circular. In addition, the document also stated the various responsibilities for the implementation of the Circular.

For detailed information on the Circular  kindly visit (Vietnamese only):

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